Thursday, May 31, 2012

A-B-C, not as easy as 1-2-3

Acronyms. I never gave acronyms much thought before Peace Corps. Sure, I knew that they were around and that some words in the common English language are actually acronyms (LASER, SCUBA...), but I didn't think that I would be using acronyms in my life (other than in chat). Boy, was I wrong. It all started in staging and in training, where acronyms were thrown around like nothing, such as how us PCTs had to do our TDAs during VV. Before I knew it, I fell into using acronyms and they became such second nature that I was called out on it because of this very blog. I would inadvertently use acronyms in my writing because they were ingrained in my everyday speech.

Even though some acronyms have wormed their way into my head, I am shocked to report that I am swimming in acronyms. In the past three weeks, I've been reading a lot of reports and manuals pertaining to the projects that my team is working on. Every document has a list of acronyms that usually spans two pages and since I'm reading things in both French and English, the letters all blur together. I'm beginning to get the hang of the acronyms for the nutrition documents, but then there are conflicting acronyms in different languages; e.g. PMI stands for both President's Malaria Initiative and Programme Maternelle et Infantile. It can get confusing in an office where we work on child and maternal health programs and Malaria programs.

The development sector likes it's acronyms and it's something that I have to work with. When I read the documents (on my computer to save paper), I have to print out the acronym sheet in order to keep everything straight. Here is what a meeting with my supervisor might include: Discussing the role of ARCs in AID and if the PMI provides funding, then talking about the PRN and what the BEN wants, while referring to PAIN for the indicators. Translation? Discussing what relais will do in the push to spray mosquito insecticide in homes and what the national office wants from the nutrition program and the manual that was provided. Confusing? Yes. Although our discussions don't actually sound like that, I find that I have to clarify acronyms fairly often. One day I will be a wiz at this, but it's going to take time.



P.S. I learned a new acronym yesterday that made me go "hmm".  WAR- West Africa Region.  Interesting...

P.P.S.  If you're bored, is a fun site to procrastinate on.  

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