Sunday, February 13, 2011

Animal Farm

I wake up from my post rice and leaf sauce lunch nap and see a cacophony of animals. There are about 12 sheep, 2 goats, a grown dog, and my baby in front of me. No, I did not give birth to a human child in the 10 months (although, I've been here long enough that I could have feasibly carried a child to term), but I am now the proud mother of a puppy! For those of you who know me, yes, the one who was terrified of all dogs, is now the proud owner of Kodee (it means star in Pulaar). Let me give you some background.... When I was a little girl, I went on a post dinner walk with my cousins, grandmother, and little sister. We went to the park next to my house and were having a great time, when a scrappy little pit-bull and its owner shown up. The owner decided to let his dog off its leash. BAD IDEA. At that point in my life, I didn't know that when you ran away from a dog, it would chase (thinking you were playing with it). So seeing this mean looking pit bull coming near me, I ran (fearing for my life- don't laugh... I was a kid). I ran circles around the owner hoping it would catch and re-leash the pit-bull (he didn't), and then ran towards my family. Unfortunately for me, the dog reached me before I could reach my family. It caught my sweatshirt and scarred me for years to come.

Nap time!

Sleeping next to my adorbs!

I LOVE my bobo (baby) and it's getting so big! My favorite part is that my mom takes such good care of her for me. I've been in and out of village a lot due to work things and while I'm gone, my mom makes sure that she gets fed and gives her BATHS! I think she takes better care of her than I do. Having a puppy makes down time in village so much better. If I don't have anything to do, I can just play with her and it makes the time fly by. I can't wait to teach her tricks and to see her grow up! Yay! Feel free to send treats for her.

--Peace Out!

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